Mediation Funding Options

Legal Aid

Legal Aid is available to people who are financially eligible. If you provide us with the information and supporting documents on the form called DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION NEEDED FOR AN ASSESSMENT FOR LEGAL AID (MEDIATION) which is in our resources section, we can assess you for legal aid. If you are eligible the mediation will be free for you and can provide some limited financial assistance for the other party to the mediation even if they are not eligible in their own right.

If you qualify for Legal Aid and you have a solicitor who gives legally aided advice, we can send your solicitor a form once the mediation had started which will enable them to give you free linked legal advice.

The Family Mediation Voucher Scheme

The Voucher Scheme provides £500 (including VAT) towards the cost of mediation in respect on mediations involving arrangements for children. If both of you consent to a Voucher being requested, we can request one on your behalf. The £500 is per whole mediation, not per person or per session. For more information about the Voucher Scheme please see the ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ document in the resources section of this website.

Our Fees – applicable if not eligible for Legal Aid or work not covered by a Voucher

For all work not covered by either Legal Aid or the Voucher Scheme we charge an hourly rate for the work we do. For more information about our charges please see the ‘our charges’ document in the resources section of this website.